I'm not going to spend a lot of time writing about all the TV I missed while I was away, including the Academy Awards. I'll just say a few things that stood out after watching all the hours of shows I missed (Thanks DVR!!).
I can't believe Casey was voted off. NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was my sweet, mysterious lamb with the nose that wouldn't quit. Where does one get such a perfectly darling nozzle? It was such a mistake to vote him off. I know he was a little unsure of himself, but he was stunning. Ben should have gone. He didn't even want to show the clothes at Bloomingdales because he didn't want to be a salesman. Duhhhh, being a model is all about selling clothes. You can't just walk away from a job and still be expected to be booked for a future gig. Arghhhh!
Okay, now that I've gotten that out of the way, I loved the goth fashion shoot in New Orleans!! It appealed the the goth girl still sulking around inside of me. How hilariously apropos for New Orleans. And how funny was it when they first walked out all dolled up in ghoulish gear with rippin' goth guitars in the background. They just needed Anne Rice there. It was very reminiscent of the fashion shoots my friends and I used to stage for my high school photography classes.
And the whole Perry girlfriend does Britney's boyfriend was interesting. I think he was a wee bit too proud about the whole thing. Whoops. Here's Britney's name, Perry. You keep dropping it on the floor.

- The girls got their make-overs and I think they all look amazing except for bitchy Allison who just looked weird with red hair. And she's gone anyway because she didn't know how to say thank you. So thank you, goodbye.
- Big scandal when cute little Kimberly decided she wanted to walk away from the competition. She didn't want to promote expensive clothing. Uhh, yeah, wrong business to be in.
- Amis was sent packing after not being able to pull it off in the meat bikini she had to sport. I still think she's Lisa from Cycle 5. .
- Anya still looks washed out and seems to blend in to the walls.
- Fatima is still a bitch, but she looks fabulous with her new weave.
- Claire is effortlessly amazing and I think she has a very good shot with walking away as Cycle 10's winner.
- I'm still routing for Lauren. She looks gorgeous with her new hair. The girl just needs to realize what a sexy beast she is and also to stand up straight!

One word sums it up:

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