The season finale of Make Me a Supermodel was a whirlwind of bromance break-ups and awkward moments after the models received surprise visits by the people they’re closest to.
What's up, Dude?
Next to arrive was Holly’s fiancĂ© – a middle-of-the-road good looking guy who showered her with affection. He and Holly snuggled on the couch all lovey-dovey while Ben and his wife kind of just sat opposite them looking bored.

Ronnie’s mom showed up third and the two of them were so cute together I wanted to bawl. His mom is supportive and proud, and watching her, you know where Ronnie gets his sweet personality from.

All of this one-on-one interaction was going on in the living room while Perry slouched in a chair, wondering if anyone was going to show up for him. Sure enough, Amanda, his two-timing girlfriend walked up all glamorous and ready to face her man. Perry was clearly surprised when he saw her and they did a lot of whispering and hugging.
At one point the camera focused in on their “private” conversation” in which Perry said, “Just tell me you didn’t sleep with him” (the “him” he was referring to, of course, was Britney’s man who was rumored to be “hanging” with Amanda). Amanda couldn’t hide her lyin’ eyes and just kept saying something like, “trust me.” Obviously she slept around behind his back or a simple “yes” would have sufficed.
Later on the runway, the big decision made my

Perry was the first to be kicked off the runway. I was flabbergasted. Honestly. I really thought he was going to take it - - either him or Ronnie. But then Ben and Ronnie were given das boot. Which left Holly.
That’s a wrap. Now I need to watch my mega-marathon of
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