Tonight the girls of ANTM got a lesson in gladiator fighting and then were photographed in gladiator gear slapping swords with a big he-man. Whitney won the challenge, which earned her 1000 Euro to go shopping in Rome. She had a choice to keep it and use it all on herself or to split it with a friend. She chose to divvy it up with Anya and the two went to the shops together. I have to say I was surprised. I never thought Whitney would share it. She gets points from me for that. And Anya has been making out lately on the challenges, si?
During the challenge, Fatima was visibly confused and it showed in her shots. Despite that, she was her usual cocky self and finally relaxed during the final photo shoot which resulted in some amazing photos.
Tyra was the photographer for this week's photo shoot, which was a renaissance-woman-with-a -modern-twist theme. The girls were fitted with multi-colored, geometrically shaped wigs and wildly beautiful outfits. The whole shoot took place in a gorgeous Roman castle with big columns and dark hallways. Tyra called herself "MaMa" and shot her girlies from the stone floor as they posed in a foyer.

Tyra's photographs were amazing, I must say, but when it came time to judging, she took full credit when Nigel said that the shot of Anya looked as if it came out of Italian Vogue. It was as if she didn't think Anya's amazing modeling had anything to do with it.
Whitney was criticized in this shoot for having too many curves and looking to "hoochie". During the shoot, Tyra kept telling her to stop sticking her butt and boobs out. For once, I think Whitney was at an unfair disadvantage and earned her "I'm a plus model and it's so much harder for me" complaint.
I'm sure it's a lot easier if you have no ass or tits to work the high-fashion avant-garde look they were shooting. Even if Whitney did scrunch her chest inward as Tyra suggested, I'm quite sure she would still be too busty for the judges. Thus, she wound up in the bottom two this week along with Katarzhyna. But it was Katarzhyna that was sent packing for having to little "oomph." I did think that she looked a bit dead in the eyes in her final photo, but I think she was just a shy girl who wasn't into the whole "I want to be a TV reality star" thing. Of all the girls, I think she's the most stunning and she'll go far in modeling.
For some interesting ANTM news, check out what happens when friends get together to watch the show and things get wayyy out of hand.
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